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Infinity beauty: Oil Painting Exhibition of Sadji

展期 | 20191130 - 2020106

開幕 | 1130 週六 14:30

開放時間 | 週一至週六 11:00-19:00 週日休館


Date | 30 November, 2019 – 06 January, 2020

Opening | November 30 (SAT) 14:30

Opening Hours | Mon - Sat 11:00 - 19:00 Closed on Sunday

系列講座 | (一) 1208  主講人:導演 蔡明亮

                | (二) 1215  主講人:藝術家 陳建大明


Exhibition Talk Series will be held respectively on 8th and 15th December, 2019.



In the end of 2019, Carmine Gallery is pleased to present "Infinity beauty: Oil Painting Exhibition of Sadji". The exhibition divides Sadjis career into four periods according to different stages of his practice. The first is Belgium Period (1937-1946), which solid modeling, pleasing brushwork, and warm colours form a solemn and pure style. The second is Sha Village Period (1947-1980). Applying forthright brushwork and unsophisticated modeling, Sadji simultaneously remains European strict composition and stable lines in his practice. This thereby has become his signature style. Afterwards, some symbolic implications with vivid strokes appear in the works of the third period, The Early Stage of Hanling, having a sense of Symbolism. The works of The Later Stage of Hanling are towards more expressive and abstract style, which can also be seen as combining Impressionism, Fauvism, Expressionism and Abstractionism into one. With powerful strokes and colours, Sadji creates these astonishing masterpieces in the last stage of his life.